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Jessica Alba wants parents to monitor social media use amongst children

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Actress Jessica Alba recently shared with the public how she handles the social media involvement of her kids. On speaking about having Instagram accounts for teenagers, she says parents need to be aware of what their children are being exposed to.

Alba reflected that being a mother of two daughters and a son, she does keep in mind how influential social media can be on young minds. "I'm not going to post a bunch of thirst traps as a mother of three," she said as an example. For her, it's necessary to be authentic on social media without focusing on just one thing. She believes that people, parents in particular, should not be forced to stereotype into a single image just because the picture might look better on the net.

When it comes to the social media activities of her children, Alba does it hands-on. She would say that the daughter asked to have an Instagram account and she allowed her; however, only if they shared it. She made sure that the account was private so she can see who her daughter followed. If she observed that her daughter followed too many accounts she considered unhealthy or not very suitable, she would unfollow them right away.

According to Jessica Alba, parenting styles change with children. Her husband, Cash Warren, and she have found that every child is different and reacts differently, so the parents have different ways to handle them. She feels that treating them all in one way doesn't work, as each child has a different personality and requirement. For example, some kids need a lot of hand-holding whereas others can be independent for more time.

Alba further expressed that every parent would want his or her children to have the best, especially in relation to experiences in cyberspace. She admitted that the digital world is part and parcel of the realities of life at this period and parents should ensure that their children should be enjoying refreshing times over the computer that are above their age. The trick, as Alba suggested, is to be up-to-date with your children's actions while online but relate with each according to their needs.

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