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Monsoon Yoga: Many health problems can occur in the rainy season, know yoga for monsoon

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Monsoon brings with it rain and coolness, which on one hand gives relief from heat, but on the other hand also causes various health problems. Due to humidity and temperature fluctuations in the atmosphere during the rainy season, bacteria, viruses and fungi grow rapidly, which can cause many health problems.

Health problems occurring in monsoon

Cold and cough, flu and viral fever, dengue-malaria, typhoid, gastroenteritis, chikungunya, fungal infection and respiratory problems can usually occur in the rainy season. Yoga practice is effective to prevent these health problems occurring in monsoon. Yoga strengthens the body's immunity and prevents various diseases. If you want to avoid getting sick in the rain, then you can start practicing these yogasanas from now on.

Dhanurasana keeps digestion healthy
Stomach related problems can occur during the rainy season. It also affects the skin and increases the risk of other diseases. In such a situation, the practice of Dhanurasana strengthens the abdominal muscles. Dhanurasana is beneficial in getting rid of digestive problems. Dhanurasana should be practiced regularly during the rainy season. This asana can also relieve back pain.

Uttanasana prevents hair fall


Most people complain that hair starts falling as soon as the rainy season arrives. To prevent increasing hair fall in monsoon, you can practice Uttanasana. To do this asana, the head is tilted down, which increases blood circulation and helps in nourishing the scalp.

Setubandhasana keeps away from viral

Practicing Setubandhasana during the rainy season protects from common diseases like cold, throat infection. It is helpful in boosting immunity, which can prevent cold and cough. During the practice of Setubandhasana, blood circulation takes place well towards the head. By doing this asana, the throat muscles are also massaged and the throat muscles are stretched, which activates the thyroid gland.


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