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Body Ache: Often there is pain in hands and feet? Is this a sign of any serious disease?

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It is normal to complain of pain in the hands, feet, or any part of the body. Usually, such problems can occur due to fatigue, physical exertion, or general health problems. Some medicines and home remedies can also be beneficial in these. However, if you often have pain problems, especially in your hands and feet or both, then it becomes necessary to be careful about it. In some situations, frequent pain can also be considered a sign of serious health problems.

If you keep having pain in your arms, and legs, then it may be that your muscles are not getting enough blood, this condition is called claudication. Apart from this, there can be many other possible causes of pain in the body, which is important to know about and get timely treatment.

Claudication problem
According to experts at Johns Hopkins, the problem of claudication can cause pain in your thigh, calf, or buttocks. Sometimes the pain caused by it can be so dangerous that it becomes very difficult for you to walk. Usually, the pain of claudication occurs when you walk, although this pain also goes away after resting. As the disease progresses, pain can occur even after a little walking.

Claudication is considered to be related to those health conditions that also increase the risk of heart attack or stroke. Many other conditions can also often be the cause of pain.

Problems in blood circulation
If you have problems related to blood circulation in your body, then due to this you may often have pain in your hands and feet. Due to not getting enough blood to the muscles, their efficiency and flexibility start decreasing, which can increase your problems. The condition of blockage in the veins carrying blood to the muscles can cause many other types of health disorders, so it is important to pay attention to it in time.

Thyroid gland problems

People suffering from thyroid gland problems, especially hypothyroidism, also often have the problem of pain. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which your thyroid gland does not make enough of certain key hormones. This can lead to inflammation and pain in muscles and joints. You may often feel tired and in some people, it can also cause symptoms such as memory problems, thinning hair, dry skin, high cholesterol, and slow heart rate.


While fibromyalgia causes problems with sleep, mood, and memory, some people may also experience joint and muscle pain. Scientists believe it occurs when your brain mistakenly interprets normal and mild pain as a sign of pain and makes it worse. It can be triggered by illness, surgery, or severe mental stress.

This is why chronic pain should not be ignored.


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